Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Work it harder

Well I just spent an entire age writing about what I got upto yesterday for this blog but then I realised it was way more relevant to my actual blog-what-gets-graded, so copy and paste it went!
If you'd like to read the full backstory that explains these pictures then check out my project blog: http://urbanarmourproject.blogspot.com/

C'mon, you've got to be wondering whast going on there! That particular excercise was so much fun, even though I was terrified of someone seeing me on acount of the fact I looked like a raving ( in both the ranting and dacing sense) lunatic!

Just reading back over my previous posts and I noticed a dearth of pictures so prepare for pictures aplenty! I completely neglected to mention the fact that I have built my sonic crash helmet and my speaker goggles (I'm trying to come up with a better name for those, suggestions?)

 Just in case you can't see it, those are speakers mounted to either side of the helmet and to the front of my glasses! They come from these cheap little fold up speakers that you get in the 2 euro shop, they are so handy and I feel so savvy working with them because the result is so impressive!

My b.u.b (Big Ugly Bag, which is terrible, its not that ugly really, the name has just stuck!) is now like my utility belt, except far larger and cumbersome, I've never seen a utility belt that could take down an entire shop standie before! Its current contents (unusually orderly actually!):

Three watches, not one of them work!
In seasonal news they have just put up the christmas tree in the canteen and the reception, I can't wait to see what Christmas is like in LeSAD!

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